Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Shills Magic Bubble Peeling $15.90

Description:The first pressure head-based scrub Magic Bubble Peeling~ ceramic foam clear away dead skin layers and lighten scars

Clear skin, moisturizing, fresh, shiny new experience!Mining PRIMORDIALE enzyme unique ceramic composition, rich bubble gently massage skin to give a sense of translucent MOISTURE, clean grease from the pores blocked pores, large, to improve the complesion, spots, uneven skin tone, help penetrate skin absorption. Particularly sensitive for the muscle or cuticle pores blocked by the issue of rough skin, instantly make the skin more smooth markedly.

To allow the skin to restore the original luster, meticulous, delicate. Ingredients: Papaya extract, yeast extract, glutamate, France gold seaweed extract, natural moisturizing factor, amino acids, sorbitol.

Usage: After cleansing the face drying, shake the bottle even moderate snow foam extrusion, applied from the inside out gently massage the face 2 to 3 minutes n rinse with warmth water. 1 - 2 times per week


Must Up Enhancer $23.90

dESCRIPTION:The KEY INGREDIENTS that are combined together to give fabulous effect to ur boobs.To enhance and firm up ur boobs in 28 days.
Key Ingrdientss:Wild Yam, Papaya Fruit Extract, Soya Bean,Collagen
Usage use 2-3 times daily

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Shills Lifting Cream $15.90

多胜(月太)+咖啡因~絕美Double緊實提拉效果!!並添加複方緊俏小臉精華. 製造出緊俏小臉效果!!原本U型肉肉臉~天天拍拍有氧美型.五觀深邃變立體!女人發胖後總是遮遮掩掩的,但型肉肉大餅臉老是藏不住@@!!臉蛋會肉肉的,臉部幾少運動動佔絕大原因!!雙下巴大多藏於無法運動到的臉緣及下巴間,想要擁有小V臉簡直難上加難。『SHILLS小V臉【拍拍】緊俏提拉膏』-將雙重加倍緊繃提拉的多胜月太+咖啡因精華結合在一起,緊俏拉提效果~館長親身試用後驚呼神奇,原本明顯的法令紋瞬間緊緻平順,使用過的半邊臉明顯緊實立體,顯得未使用過的半邊臉鬆弛老態!!肉餅臉的福音~天天使用並搭配輕拍手勢~能有效提拉緊俏哦!!
Description: With the combinations of caffine, this lifting cream promising to slim down ur face in a moment after applying it. The combinations of ingredients work together to tone up the inner skin layer n firm up the face structure.Say good bye to meaty face~

Shills Avocado Eye Cream $14.90

Eyes revealed that the key to age, skin maintenance
  • high-nourishing
  • Vitamin E,
  • Avocado oil natural extraction
  • so that the fragile skin around the eye was super moisturizing degrees.
  • improve the flexibility of the eye skin to allow the skin to firm, with a unique "double moisturizing Age-Control mechanism" formula
  • licorice essence and chamomile extracts to improve uneven skin color and黯沉, so that more MOISTURE white skin, showing translucent gloss degrees;
  • Adopt a special cream-like texture into the water texture
  • good absorption
  • Cure fine lines,dark circle,eye bag
  • Ingredients: liquorice essence, Avocado oil, Vitamin E, shea butter, HI Ventilago oil, glycerol, trehalose, Chamomile extract, fragrance.

Shills Close To U $14.90

Description: Disappear all the pores, fine lines and small flaw with just a smear! Close to u is the latest concept for the foundation before make up! It can repair the fine line, fill up the pit such as pores and pock-mark,and bring the effect of smooth skin texture.

A unique magic formula, to the pores, fine lines all healed. Entirely fitting, can effectively cover skin defects; easy to extend the pasty texture of the skin to smooth homogeneous nappe cleverly modified flaws, no time to create sophisticated muscle.

Ingredients: titanium dioxide, silk powder, zinc oxide powder, hyaluronic acid, allantoin, shea butter, vitamin E


Shills electric eyes $14.90

Description:This product is known as the most effective flaw masking expert,which aims at dark circlea, bloog tinged eye and troublesome flaw to make the traces of fatigue less significant and brighten and luster the skin immediately.

Shills hydrating moisturizing gel cream $15.90

All Skin Type

Description:Rapidly boosts skins moisture level and restoring balance.
Diretions For Use:Use daily for immediate moisture

Shills collagen serum $7.50

Kanebo Hydrating Eye gel $13.90

Won't feel oily n oso won't cause oil clots. Skin around the eyes show signs fastest and age fastest. U should make use of ur young daes to take good care of ur eyes,especially like we people who r late night owls. n oso those who sleep in air cons room,ur skin will be dehydrated.if u dun protect ur lovely eyes now,i am afraid to tel u,5 to 10 yrs later dun be shock to c fine lines around ur eyes=(

Talika lipocils eyelash conditioning gel $24


In normal conditons,our lashes never reach their maximum length;they fall out,they becum brittle & break bcos of pollution,use of make up/make up removers,etc.

Nothing give the look a more lovely & glamorous appearance than long and lustrous lashes & now,with Talika it is possible to have naturally longer and thicker lashes in just 28daes!
Who should use it?
  1. Anyone who buys mascara for longer and thicker lashs
  2. women who have short lashes
  3. women who have sparse lashes
  4. women who have lost or losing their lashes
When to use it?
Use twice a day(morning & evening) during the 1st 28days,then once a day

How to apply?
Apply Lipocils directly to the base of the eyelashes to ensure that product penetrates to the roots. Soy Lecithin liposomes sitmulate eyelash growth.

This is the product that DA S has been taliking in her Beauty Book!!!Grab it now!!

DHC eyelash tonic $21.90

滋潤睫毛根部,強化毛質不易斷裂~由各種植物精華萃取而成,賦予睫毛營養,可活化及呵護睫毛的根部。睫毛修護液(Eyelash Tonic)是照顧睫毛專用的精華液,由雛菊精華、水田芥荷蘭介精華、胡黃蓮等萃取而成,這些天然成分可以活化及呵護睫毛的根部、延長睫毛的壽命。DHC睫毛修護液(Eyelash Tonic)是呈弱酸性,溫和不刺激,肌膚敏感的人也可以安心地使用。
使用方式:如同上睫毛膏一樣,直接刷在睫毛上即可。獨特的弓型刷頭設計,使用起來很方便。其透明無色,平常亦可當做透明睫毛膏來使用。上一般睫毛膏之前,記得刷上睫毛修護液(Eyelash Tonic)來保護我們的睫毛。由於睫毛修護液(Eyelash Tonic)乾燥的時間比睫毛膏長,所以請耐心等候它完全乾了之後再刷上睫毛膏。
簡單4 Point !效果UP! 1.塗抹睫毛前端,即可滲透至根部,以避免刷毛誤刺眼睛 2.上有色睫毛膏之前,可先刷上修護液打底,待完全乾燥後,再刷上睫毛膏,能提升睫毛膏持久度。 3趁夜晚10點最佳保養時機使用,更能提升睫毛增長效果。 4..使用後,請先將刷毛以面紙拭淨,再放回甁中,避免渾濁現象產生。

Shills Hyaluronic acid Serum $7.50


Description:Hyaluronic acid ability Super Water Essence lock can be strengthened to extend the hydraulic lock, so that the proliferation of collagen, To restore skin elasticity, coupled with the stabilization of soft-Chamomile and revitalization of licorice essence of aloe, 3D film to create security so that the injured dry skin back to normal, so that the water-lock direct muscle at the end of Evaporation loss is not easy to let water flow skin, revealing 100% of the ultra-bright living muscle to make sense of water to bloom fully

Shills golden radiant concentrated serum $7.50

Drops of pure gold, including high antioxidant activity of elements of gold and Q10, negatively charged particles of gold with massage procedures, Hyaluronic acid can stimulate the birth of the effectiveness of the moisture, Chamomile and Licorice calm to ease the ability of By the same negative forces of repulsion of the catalytic anti-lock Shui-double, and other effects, The rapid revitalization of flexibility to combat wrinkles aging years, and in order to reduce the external skin of free radical damage, Back to the activation of age to open the door to the skin and restore youthful time, optical thin gold foil with a sense of identity, Glitter will be vague as to disseminate detailed gloss, any point of view are presented impeccable shine bright!

Anosa Eye Serum $13.90

Description: 注入蝦紅素、水解小麥蛋白、小黃瓜萃取、蘆薈萃取、維他命B3衍生物、長效保濕因子。豊富潤澤質地含緊實因子,膨潤眼周,持續往上提拉,電力恢復。

◎添加高濃度含專利眼部緊實因子- EYELISS TM 改善眼袋問題,低敏感,使眼周緊實度UP 彈性UP
◎商品規格: 35ML



i am not good at jus a simple translation for u all

Description: The ingredients in the eye gel strengthen the collagen layer beneath the skin. This help to double the efficiency firm up the eye's surrounding skin layers, moisturise the skin layer ard the eyes to prevent dryness that cause wrinkles. This eye gel help to solve the problem of eyebag.
